The title screen and the stage select screens are out for 8-bit Mega Man 8. The more I see and hear about thsi remake, the more I can't wait for it to get finished.
Interesting note that this remake is being handled by a different developer, not Mind (devloper of 8-bit Mega Man 7) like I originally thought. I'm eager to see how some portions of the game will be done in 8-bit like the sections where Mega Man has to swim or the infamous "JUMP, JUMP! SLIDE, SLIDE!" areas in Frost Man's stage and the first Dr. Wily level.

I can already hear the stage select music playing when I look at the screen with all the robot masters. If you're looking at Grenade Man and thinking that he looks insane, that's because he IS. Dude actually yells "That felt good!" when he dies. Bot is crazy.
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