It would seem that the Bad Dudes really, really dig Sagat's theme because they've put out an album titled, Thai Guy and it contains nothing but Sagat remixes. 8 tracks, 2 bonus tracks with nothing but Sagat goodness. I've got it playing right now, and let me tell you, this is one sexy album. Most of the tracks tend to be on the soothing side, but there's some rock tracks in there for those that like to get up and move around. No matter how you slice it, this is an amazing album. And it's FREE!
Download Thai Guy
Sagat in this art looks like Mr.X from "Resident Evil 2". You suppose that guys design was based on this one?
Not sure. I've never been really into the RE games. Who is Mr. X?
Never? You mean you never played the stuff or never liked it?
Well; you should play RE, RE2,3 & CVX
Mr.X: Tyrant T-102, appears in gameplay mode B for both characters (Leon & Claire) in Resident Evil 2. A long monster wearing a long green trench-coat. The monster looks like a bald man but is always silent, walks calmly but rather fast and if he struck you he'll damage your health bad.
The monster gets released from a chopper of Umbrella after you kill the fire done by a police chopper accident and open the door to inside the Police Station, his mission is:
1. Kill every threat in your way, distinct between friend and foe
2. Retrieve the G-Virus samples
Oh, the Tyrant! Him, I'm a bit familiar with. He'd pop up at random in RE3, if I recall.
The one in R.E3 is a much different Tyrant "code name: Nemesis". That one is directed to kill the S.T.A.R.S, special police unit in the R.P.D, and to kill most anybody else. Mr.X doesn't run like the Nemesis and doesn't hold a rocket launcher nor does he has tentacles to attack with
I've played some of Claire's B-entry, so I've run into Mr. X.
It does give a Nemesis type of vibe, but Nemesis is a crazy bastard (I'd beaten 3 before finding 2 on Gamecube) with that rocket launcher.
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