When most people think of Final Fight, the original game is the one that more than likely comes to mind. The sequels weren't that well-recieved and no one wants to speak of Final Fight: Street Wise. Still, I've always enjoyed Final Fight 2 on the SNES and the NES game, Mighty Final Fight. Mighty Final Fight wasn't two player but it was still a good beat 'em up and you gotta love the super deformed characters. Along with being a solid game, Mighty Final Fight had a tight soundtrack, which sounds very NES Mega Man-like. I guess the similarities to Mega Man aren't all that strange when you take into account that two of the composers of the Mega Man X soundtrack worked on Mighty Final Fight's music. If you like Mega Man music, you'll dig this score.

I don't think there's a gamer on this planet that doesn't like the music to NES DuckTales. The Moon theme still makes me swoon to this day. Even if you've already got the music to DuckTales, I'm pretty sure you'll still want to download this particular version. In addition to having all the music from the NES game, there's a slower version of the Moon theme, and a few prototype tracks, and a completely different track for Transylvania.

I don't think there's a gamer on this planet that doesn't like the music to NES DuckTales. The Moon theme still makes me swoon to this day. Even if you've already got the music to DuckTales, I'm pretty sure you'll still want to download this particular version. In addition to having all the music from the NES game, there's a slower version of the Moon theme, and a few prototype tracks, and a completely different track for Transylvania.

Did you know that the original Final Fantasy was also on the MSX? I sure didn't. I'm so ashamed that I just may turn in my geek card. But I digress. Not only did the MSX version look better, but it also sounded better than the NES version, and that's saying a lot when you consider how awesome the NES version's music was.

Hot Dog City was going to be a fanmade platform, but was unfortunately canned. The good news is that the soundtrack has been released. The tunes are heavily incluenced by Ristar, Popful Mail, and Sonic the Hedgehog. I would glady play a platformer with these beats in the background.
Special thanks to Bucky's Corner and Pterodactyl Squad for hosting these great soundtracks.
I've only played the first Final Fight. I never beat the SNES version, but I did beat the arcade version on MAME (of course, I could press the keyboard button for inserting quarters like no one's business, but I digress.).
I do know that some of the Final Fight characters seeped into Street Fighter Alpha, though I've not fully explored the connections myself yet.
You use MAME, too, Tommy? Small world! Infinite contiues FTW!!
In SFA there's Rolento, Sodum, Guy, and Cody. Hugo is in the SF3 games.
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