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Friday, May 29, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 062: Perfect Dark
The year 2000 was the year that at long last Perfect Dark was released on the N64. The game was a highly anticipated follow up to 1997's GoldenEye 007, a game that helped cement the N64 as a multiplayer machine. Perfect Dark was like better GoldenEye with far more weapons, levels and customizable options to use in multiplayer matches. A big favorite of mine was the option to choose your background music to listen to while you run around killing your friends. Perfect Dark's soundtrack is very sci-fi, fitting for a game that features lots of futuristic weaponry and aliens. Music comes in two flavors, the standard, normal level them and the X version of that theme, a more pumped up, much faster paced jam. I was a big fan of the X tunes, specifically dataDyne Central: Defection X. I picked that song so many times it irked my friends. Also, wow this game is 20 years old! Where has the time gone?
Perfect Dark (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Thursday, May 28, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 061: Super Aleste
In the states, this game is known as Space Megaforce and is another entry in Compile's Aleste series, which really, really needs a compilation re-release. Like other games in the series, Super Aleste has cool power-ups, long stages and what may arguably be the best soundtrack in Aleste history. OK, that could be my bias talking. Super Aleste was the first Aleste game I played and I could not get enough of the music. If you're looking for music that's mellow, rock or energetic beats, Super Aleste covers all of that and more.
Super Aleste (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 060: The Revenge of Shinobi

Also known as the Super Shinobi in Japan. The Revenge of Shinobi, despite being an early SEGA Genesis title, is often touted as one of the best games for the platform. It's soundtrack is still some of the greatest to ever come out of the system's sound chip and you have Yuzo Koshiro to thank for that. Revenge of Shinobi is a more slower paced action game and this is backed up by the soundtrack. That doesn't mean this is some snooze fest of tunes. Oh, far from it. Understandably, the music has a very Japanese flair from the title them and resuming it again with the first level theme The Shinobi, which will more than likely hook you from the get go. From there, you'll fall in love with Chinatown and the absolute banger that is Terrible Beat.
The Revenge of Shinobi (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 059: Galaxy Force II

Another one of SEGA's super scaler tech games, just like every of game of its type, Galaxy Force II has outstanding music. Like a lot of SEGA titles, it was release on multiple systems but we're focusing on the arcade version even though I would rate the Genesis soundtrack a close second. You may be expecting the soundtrack of Galaxy Force II to be full of a lot of fast paced, high energy track. Beyond the Galaxy is a more slower paced themed with so much bass that you will learn to love it. Take Back is more in line with what players are expecting from games in space with lots of gun fire.
Galaxy Force II (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Monday, May 25, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 058: Mario & Zelda Big Band Live CD
With it being a holiday, I thought I'd post a special soundtrack. It has been several years since I've heard this one, but I can still vividly remember the first time I heard the band's performance of the Main Theme from Super Mario 64. Mario & Zelda Big Band Live CD is exactly what it says on the tin. Live performances of video game music may seem odd to those that don't frequent the VGM scene, but in Japan, CDs like this one are still very common. So kick your feet up, get some grub and enjoy live versions of some of your favorite Mario and Zelda music.
Mario & Zelda Big Band Live CD (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Sunday, May 24, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 057: Rockman Dystopia
There has been a disturbing lack of Mega Man music in VG Soundtrack of the Day. As a huge fan of the Blue Bomber, I'm very disappointed in myself. For those of you that may not be aware, in Japan, Mega Man is called Rockman, the "Rock" in the name being named of the genre of music. The music based names don't end there. His sister is named Roll, Proto Man is called Blues, there's Beat, Tango, Bass and Treble, and so on. How fitting that the Mega Man series is so well known for having awesome music. And I don't just mean the classic Mega Man games. Rockman Dystopia is full of rock and metal arrangements from the Mega Man X series. Dystopia is the sister album to Rockamn Utopia, which is full of more lighthearted, upbeat. I suppose I'll get to Rockman Utopia at some point but for now, enjoy some darker, edgier X arrangements. As well as some Mega Man Zero music sprinkled in.
Rockman Dystopia (Spotify)
Rockman Dystopia (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Saturday, May 23, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 056: RayForce
Time for another ZUNTATA soundtrack. This is the first in Taito's small Ray series, RayForce. The release and port history of RayForce has been interesting to say the least. Depending on what system or region you live in, RayFoce was relased as Layer Section, Galactic Attack or Gunlock. Different names, same game, outstanding otherworldy soundtrack. There are subtle differences between the arcade and constole versions of the soundtracks. Clicking the Spotify link will let you listen to the arcade soundtrack while the YouTube link will give you the console version. Can't go wrong with either of them.
Ray Force Original Sound Track -PCB Version- (Spotify)
Galactic Attack (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Friday, May 22, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 055: Sonic 3D Blast (SEGA Saturn ver.)
It has been a long time since we've had a Sonic soundtrack. Sonic 3D Blast was released on both the Genesis and the Saturn. The games play alike but the soundtracks to each version are very different. Everyone and their mother will go on and on about how the Genesis version is soooooooo much better than the Saturn music but those people are sick minded human beings that no one will ever love. Yes, the Genesis music to Sonic 3D Blast is good stuff but I'm one of those intellectuals that prefers the Saturn soundtrack. Rather than just be CD quality versions of the Genesis music, the Saturn music is completely new material, scored by Richard Jacques and it is exxxxxxxcellleeeeent.
Sonic 3D Blast (SEGA Saturn ver.) (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Thursday, May 21, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day: 054: Banjo-Kazooie
Zanny, quirk, weird. Three words I use to sum up the music to Banjo-Kazooie. You may have hear some music from Banjoz-Kazooie in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate after the duo's inclusion. That didn't even scratch the surface. The music from the first game alone is quite expansive, with numerous variations of level themes. Over six hours worth of music here, folks. This one is a doozy.
Banjo-Kazooie (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 053: The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse games were all the rage on the Genesis but for me, my childhood Mickey game is The Magical Quest. Sure, it can be on the easy and short side but the game is a fun romp while it lasts. Being developed and published by Capcom on the SNES, the music is of very high quality, composed my Mari Yamaguchi, the same lady who scored the music of Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts.
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 052: Final Fight CD
Walk right and punch people. It could strongly be considered the definition of mindless video game fun. And I love it. Likewise, I love Final Fight. The grimy city that is Metro City and the characters. Guy will always be one of the most chill ninjas ever to me. Arcade, SNES, GBA, and PS3 and 360; there are numerous versions of Final Fight music and I like them all. But I gotta give it up for the phenomenal Fight Fight CD soundtrack by T's Music. The music for the SEGA CD version of Final Fight give the PS3/360's Final Fight Double Impact a run for their money. Crank up the volume for this one and enjoy.
Final Fight CD (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Monday, May 18, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 051: Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Touted as a masterpiece on the SEGA Master System, Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap has the titular character get cursed by a dragon in the opening stage, stripping him of his humanity. What follows is a journey with Wonder Boy getting transformed into numerous different forms that he must use to travel the land and get his human form back, thus lifting the curse. In 2017, the game was lovingly remade, released as Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap. The remake has gorgeous animation and art design along with a superb arranged soundtrack. You can tell the developers were huge fans of the original SMS game. They even gave players the ability to swap from the SMS visuals to the modern day art style with the press of a button. The very same can be down with the music. In the spirit of the remake having two soundtracks, I've decided to provide links to both the 1989 SMS audio and the 2017 remake.
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (2017) (Bandcamp)
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (2017) (YouTube)
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap (1989 SMS) (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Sunday, May 17, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 050: Secret of Mana
Known as Seiken Densetsu 2 in Japan, Secret of Mana was originally going to be a game for the scrapped SNES CD add-on. The game would have had CD quality audio but when Secret of Mana was bought back down to SNES levels, naturally CD audio fell through. This wasn't a negative, however. Even without CD sound quality, composer Hiroki Kikuta wrote an extremely compelling musical score and for a lot of fans, the PS4 soundtrack from the 2018 remake doesn't come close to surpassing the original SNES 1993 soundtrack. There are a myriad of outstanding songs to love from Secret of Mana. Pure Night, Dark Star, A Bell is Tolling, Angel's Fear, Now Flightless Wings; there is not a single sub par song on this entire soundtrack. If this is your first time hearing this soundtrack, I am super jelly. I'd love to be able to hear this for he first time again.
Secret of Mana (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Saturday, May 16, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 049: Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
Raise your hand if you bought games but haven't gotten around to playing them? *Raises hand* Even with the pandemic going on, my backlog is not getting any smaller. Still, I should have gotten around to Ace Combat 04 years ago. Like in 2004, when I bought it. But back then, my backlog was still massive. At least, I did get around to hearing the music, which has some awesome tracks. My favorite from AC04 being Blockade. Very uplifting song.
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Friday, May 15, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 048: Super Adventure Island
Yuzo Koshiro is a big fan of music in the west. Some of his most iconic works such as the Streets of Rage trilogy on the Genesis, were heavily influenced by music in the west from late 80s and early 90s era. Super Adventure Island, another game with Koshiro's name attached has the early 90s written all over it. Listening to Super Adventure Island music is like taking a trip in a time a machine. Given the current state of world, going back to a different time doesn't seem like such a bad idea. Tracks I can't get enough of include Follow Wind, The Island of Everlasting Summer, Blue Blue Moon and Ice Groove. The use of samples of 90s era music is heavily present in this soundtrack.
Super Adventure Island (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Thursday, May 14, 2020
VG: Soundtrack of the Day 047: Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope
Often sighted as one of the better examples of a successful Kickstarter project with clear communication and management, Shovel Knight is wonderful blend of retro gaming with modern touches. Music covering the entire Shovel Knight saga thus far would be quite huge, so for now, we'll stick to the music from the first entry that released in 2014, now dubbed Shovel of Hope. The soundtrack is a chiptune buffet with music that you'd think came out during the twilight years of the NES.
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope (Bandcamp)
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 046: Bangai-O
I would love for this Treasure game to get a re-release. There are several different versions of Bangai-O The soundtrack we're listening to is from the Dreamcast version. Much of the music is vibrant and upbeat, something we could certainly use more of in these times. Sure would be nice to see this game on the Switch or a collection with all the Bangai-O games.
Bangai-O (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 045: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
The game that kicked off the the play style that the serious would stick to for years to come, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night has one of the most memorable soundtracks of the entire franchise and that is saying a lot for a series that seldom turns in a dud when it comes to the music. Rock, classics, ambiance, atmospheric, ghoulish. Symphony of the Night's music has a pretty wide range. This was only Michiru Yamane's second time writing music for a Castlevania title and one could argue she had already turned in her best work.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Monday, May 11, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 044: Metal Black
Some day, I'm going to compile a list of what I believe are the greatest ZUNTATA soundtracks. You'd better believe that Metal Black will be on that list. This game needs a re-release via Arcade Archives. Not only is it a very good shoot 'em up, the music rivals that of Taito's Darius series. The first level track Born to be free is a theme that screams hope in a bleak stage and given the current climate we're living in, I can't help but feel that it hits home whenever I listen to it as of late. Dual Moon has always been the track I hit repeat on . non fiction will make you wanna get up and dance, Doubt as well as Time are perfect late game/final level tracks. Metal Black just might be my favorite Yasuhisa Watanabe soundtrack.
Metal Black (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Sunday, May 10, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 043: SaGa Frontier 2
Beautiful. If ever I were to sum up a game soundtrack with that one word, SaGa Frontier 2 would be it. This is what a beautiful game score sounds like. The past four SaGa games had been scored by Kenji Ito and SaGa Frontier is a very good soundtrack. However, SaGa Frontier 2 outclasses it by a wide margin and I say that as a big fan of Ito-san's work. SaGa Frontier 2's music is the game that really made me take note of Msashi Hamauzu's work. He would go on to co-compose music for FINAL FANTASY X, write the bulk of FINAL FANTASY XIII's music and would stay on to write music for the XIII sequels. Much as enjoy the FINAL FANTASY XIII soundtracks, SaGa Frontier 2 holds a very special place in my heart. And I'm not talking about from a gameplay perspective. Outside of the first few hours, I couldn't tell you about the story and how far it goes but I could go on and on about this game's marvelous soundtrack. The main theme is present in many tracks and the piano is a very prominent instrument throughout. The Spotify link takes you to a direct soundtrack of the original 3 disc album that spans over 2 hours of music. Clicking on the YouTube link will take you to an extended version of SaGa Frontier 2's music since many tracks only loop once in the original album version. If you're up for for nearly 5 hours of SaGa Frontier 2 music, click the YouTube link.
SaGa Frontier 2 (Spotify)
SaGa Frontier 2 (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Saturday, May 9, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 042: F-ZERO X
The second game in the F-ZERO series, F-ZERO X brought the futuristic racing series to the N64 in full 3D. The mode 7 racing of the original was fine and all but X gave us half pipes, corkscrews and an ever greater sense of speed. X was the game where the series fully embraced rock and metal music. It was present in the SNES entry but here, it takes center stage. Favorites like Mute City and Big Blue sound even more energized and there are slew of new themes to rock out to.
F-ZERO X (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Friday, May 8, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 041: Mega Man 2
Forty plus days of this we're just now getting to our third Mega Man soundtrack? As a huge Mega Man fan, I'm disappointed in myself but I did say I would try to space games in the same series apart. Mega Man 2 is widely viewed as the pinnacle of the entire Mega Man franchise. It is a great game, sure, but it has more than it's fair share of faults. I think too many fans and critics look at how it elevated the series and completely dismiss it's faults. But that's a topic for another day. Mega Man 2's music is among the best the medium has to offer. Whenever Mega Man 2 is talked about people will gush about how fantastic the soundtrack is. Songs from Mega Man 2 are among the most remixed in video game music. If I had to pick a single favorite track, that would be Wood Man Stage. The Spotify link below has a number of additional tracks outside of the NES score so if you want to listen to just the chiptune music, click the YouTube link.
Mega Man 2 (Spotify)
Mega Man 2 (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Thursday, May 7, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 040: Streets of Rage 2
I had always planned to get around to this soundtrack.. With the recently released Streets of Rage 4 being all the... um, bees knee, what better time than to talk about Streets of Rage 2's awesome soundtrack? Streets of Rage 2 is widely viewed as the best game in the series but Streets of Rage 4 could very well dethrone it. In terms of music, time will tell if Streets of Rage 4's soundtrack trumps 2's but strictly discussing the music of 2? Man, this soundtrack goes harder than hard. The soundtrack has a very western late '80s early '90s feel, understandable when taking into account that the composer, Yuzo Koshiro, is a huge fan of American music. Co composer Motohiro Kawashima, more than likely shared Koshiro's appreciation for the same music from that era. Go Straight, Spin on the Bridge, the unused Little Money Avenue, Expander; there are so many amazing tracks in Streets of Rage 2.
Streets of Rage 2 (YouTube)
Streets of Rage 2 (Remastered) (Bandcamp)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 039: Super Contra
Contra began in arcades but most are familiar with the NES port. The same can be said for Super Contra, known as Super C on the NES. While Super Contra didn't add much in the way of new stuff over the first game, it is still a worthy followup to the original, retaining and arguably surpassing it in terms of difficulty. I like the NES version of this game's soundtrack just fine but I gotta give the edge to the arcade version. A lot of tracks in Super Contra to me, sound a lot better on the arcade hardware.
Super Contra (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 038: Threads of Fate
The PlayStation era was a very interesting time for the company that was once known as Square. During that period, they were willing to experiment much more than they do today as Square Enix. This lead to titles that weren't RPGs such as Tobal No.1, Bushido Blade 1 and 2 as well as RPGs that weren't only FINAL FANTASY like Xenogears and today's topic for VG Soundtrack of the Day, Threads of Fate, also known as Dewprism in Japan. Junya Nakano didn't get the same recognition as Nobuo Uematsu (FINAL FANTASY) or Yasunroi Matsuda (Chrono Cross, Xenogears) early on but his work was remarkable, nonetheless. He is perfectly capable of carrying a soundtrack all by himself and Threads of Fate is proof of that. A good number of mellow tracks are present throughout this score, my favorite being Rasdan.
Threads of Fate (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Monday, May 4, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 037: Cyber Sled
Cyber Sled, Namco's tank-like battle game that was released in arcades in 1993 and was later ported to the original PlayStation with mixed results. The first PS controller lacked analog sticks (something the system wouldn't recieve until 1998 despite touting 3D games as a main selling point) which made movement awkward. The music of Cyber Sled was aces. Composed by Shinji Hosoe, Cyber Sled's soundtrack is full of lots of high energy beats suited for battle. Be Warped Time gets my vote for the best track.
Cyber Sled (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Sunday, May 3, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 036: Battle Garegga
Released in Japanese arcades in 1996, Battle Garegga is a fan favorite SHMUP that was finally given a much wider release outside of Japan as part of M2's Shot Triggers shoot 'em up line on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2017. This release contained the soundtrack from the original arcade game, the SEGA Saturn port as well as a newly arranged soundtrack for the Shot Triggers release. Three soundtracks for the price of one! The original arcade audio is my favorite but there's still plenty to like about the Saturn and Shot Triggers scores. Battle Garegga's soundtrack was written by one of my favorite video game music composers, Manabu Namiki and after all of the works I've heard from him over the years, Battle Garegga is still one of the best things he's done. Battle Garegga Complete Soundtrack contains all three soundtracks so you can pick your favorite from the lot.
Battle Garegga Complete Soundtrack (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Saturday, May 2, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 035: Super Mario Bros.
Thirty plus days of doing this we finally arrive at "That Mario game!" Yes, that one, the one that everyone is familiar with in some form or another, the classic, the legend, Super Mario Bros. There are tons upon tons of video and written essays praising Super Mario Bros. level design as well as the game's super catchy soundtrack. Everyone and I mean everyone knows the Ground Theme, a track so famous that it can be recognized merely by someone playing or humming the first six or seven notes. It may very well be the most arranged video game song ever. Also firmly etched into everyone's mind is the Underground Theme, yet another heavily arranged piece of game music, as well as the waltz piece, Underwater Theme.
Fun fact, Super Mario Bros. will turn 35 this year. No, I do not thinking I'm clever for making Super Mario Bros. the 35th game for VG Soundtrack of the Day.
Super Mario Bros. (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
Friday, May 1, 2020
VG Soundtrack of the Day 034: Rocket Knight Adventures
During the era of mascots with attitude, Sparkster, the hero of Rocket Night Adventures was born. He went on to star in three other games before Konami did what they did with all their IPs: let 'em rot in storage. Rocket Knight Advenures was our armored opossum's debut game and don't let the bland song titles fool you. This game's soundtrack is easily one of the best on the Genesis. Very much worthy of a vinyl release. Which it did get.
Rocket Knight Adventures (YouTube)
VG Soundtrack of the Day Database
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