I thought I'd seen everything with Mega Man music. This album I came across takes the cake. Released earlier this year, Tae K is a mix tape album that adds lyrics to some of our favorite Mega Man songs, fourteen to be exact. I've never really been one for rap, but Tae K is a huge exception. The author is obviously a huge fan of Mega Man so that scores him major bonus points right there. The mixtape take on Mega Man music works extremely well. My favorite track? "Money in the Bank" which adds lyrics to Dr. Wily Stage 2 from Mega Man 3.
Everyone loves free stuff and Tae K is available as a Free download. Even if you aren't into rap, I highly recommend checking this one out. I was pleasantly surprised.
Download Taek
Mega Man will bust a Mega Busta shot in yo punkass, biatch! XD
That he will. That he will. =)
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