This is a pretty short album but it's straight and to the point. Video game covers done to gritty rock.
Did I mention that it's free?

Konami has released soundtracks for just about every Metal Gear game. All except this one, Metal Gear: Ghost Babel. Known in the USA on the Game Boy Color as simply Metal Gear Solid, this is, in my humble opinion, one of the best Metal Gear soundtracks out there and the fact that it never received an official release is criminal. Thanks to some Metal Gear fans, an unofficial soundtrack has surfaced. Before Metal Gear went on to have a Hollywood calibur musical score it was originally the bleeps and blops of every other game soundtrack of the '80s. Of course that doesn't mean it wasn't addicting stuff. Even the very first Metal Gear game has some of the best music ever composed from NES hardware. Ghost Babel is a wonerful reminder of how epic retro Metal Gear music sounds.
You won't be disappointed with this one.
Some great stuff with the Metal Gear tracks. Someday I'll order myself that game, but there's a few other things I've got my sights set on.
I did get my own 360 lately, so I've got all the current gen systems, mwahahaha!!!
You are sooooooo lucky!
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