If there's one video game company that has earned the wrath of gamers across the globe, it's Capcom. Since this is the internet age, most people already know what I'm talking about, but in case you've just arrived on planet Earth, let me bring you up to speed.
In just 2011, Capcom has 86'd two, yes, TWO Mega Man games. The first was Mega Man Universe, a game that would have been as close a sequel to Mega Man Powered Up as we could get with online play. The second was the fan demanded sequel, Mega Man Legends 3. Fans have been wanting to see this game for over a decade. When it was finally announced that Mega Man Legends 3 would be a reality, the fandom rejoiced. It was also one of the few games to see so much input from the fans, so much input that it was really starting to feel like a title that was by the fans, for the fans.
And then Capcom slammed the ax down on Legends 3 faster than it takes Metal Man to die by his own weapon. You could say that the fans were angry but that would be a huge understatement. The reason Mega Man Legends 3 was canceled? Well according to Capcom it was because it didn't meet "the required criteria." Yeah, I think it's bogus answer as well. For crying out loud, they had a prototype version ready to go. The game has been in development for almost a year. And then Capcom decides to cut the cord? Not cool.
Want to play this version of Legends 3? Well, tough rocks, chump! |
I originally thought the Mega Man franchise would be fine even though Keiji Inafune was no longer with Capcom but now, I'm starting to wonder. Sure, we got the excellent Mega Man 9 and 10, but did those games only happen because Inafune was with the company? I'm not the biggest fan of IGN, but there is a
pretty interesting article on the site on Capcom and whether or not they are trying to get rid of one of the companies biggest cash cows. With two Mega Man games getting canned in the same year, it doesn't sound too unlikely that Capcom may have something against the Blue Bomber, which would be ludicrous.
As I mentioned above, Mega Man equals money and the last time I checked, Capcom LOVES them some money, otherwise they wouldn't keep releasing so many updated versions of your favorite fighting game, making the current ones you own obsolete, which brings me to my next gripe with Capcom.
How many freaking versions of SFIV do we need? |
I'm guessing Capcom caught '90s fever all over again because they've once again resorted to releasing tweaked sequels to their fighting games. As of right now, there are a total of four different version of Street Figher IV, two of which game out in 2011. But wait, there's more! It's not just limited to Street Fighter, oh no. Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is getting in on the act. If you haven't picked it up yet, I highly suggest you wait until November to pick up Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, which includes 12 new characters that should have been in the first MvC3. Oh and guess what? Mega Man isn't one of them. There's another low blow to fans. No, Zero does not count. I'm getting sick of his overexposure and he needs to go the eff away for a while.
The inclusion of Firebrand is nice but Mega Man is
still MIA from the Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 roster. |
Capcom needs to realize that this isn't the '90s. Many gamers have grown up and are no longer the mindless sheep that will buy every update sequel they release. At least that's what I want to believe. The fighting game community has to stay on top of the current fighters and that means shelling out cash for an updated game that was released less than a year after the original. However, since Capcom has done so much to infuriate the very people that keep them afloat as of late, maybe they'll send a message that they are fed up with all the updated sequels. Maybe.
Since I found out the single save file in Mercenaries 3D can
never be overwritten or deleted, I'm wondering how
this game will do in sales. |
Lastly, there's Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D. Did you buy it yet? You may want to hold off. The word is already spreading fast on this one, but in case you are unaware, here's the deal. There's only one save file and once you start up that file on Mercenaries 3D, you can never delete it. Ever. This is the worse case of trying to block used video game sales I've ever seen. Capcom may try to deny it, but really, that's what it is.
So, Capcom, what will you do next to upset your fans?
capcom deserves the wrath...they are really lacking these days and its gotten so bad im getting really annoyed with the steet fighter vs capcom 400th, super editions
Ahh Capcom, up their with EA and Activision for trying to bleed gamers dry.
They've been releasing 'updated' versions of games as long as I can remember (and I remember when SFII was released) and unfortunately people still buy them which is why they keep doing it.
The whole Resident Evil save thing is absolutely ridiculous and surely must have hit sales. I heard that some US rental stores pulled it from the shelves due to not being able to rent it out more than once.
@snowboardgamer PREACH!!!
@dste If some rental stores in the US are pulling REM3D from their shelves, good for them.
I haven't been keeping an eye on Activision lately so I'm not sure what they've been doing that makes them like EA. Unless of course you count all those gazillion Guitar Hero Games. I gotta say, that is approaching overkill.
As you mentioned Activision have completed milked the Guitar Hero franchise to death but luckily for them and us they can still bleed gamers dry with Call of Duty.
Personally I don't play it myself but even if I did there would be no chance of me paying for all of the DLC that they release for it, especially this new 'Elite' package that have coming out.
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