I was planning to get around to downloading this game eventually and since the blue blur's 20th anniversary just passed, now seemed like a good time. The first Sonic game is still a lot of people's favorite. It still has some of the absolute best designed levels, music and platforming elements. Looking back at this game, it's hard to believe that I was originally against Sonic simply because he rivaled Mario. Now, I'm just as big a fan of the hedgehog as I am of the plumber.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (GEN)

While I certainly don't think this is the best Sonic game (I can already hear Justin Sivak berating me for saying that), it's one of the best in the whole series. So what if the level design isn't on the same level as the original? Sonic 2 is still a fun, fast-paced game, was the first time Tails was playable, the introduction of Super Sonic and the first time we saw the Death Egg. These days I struggle to get all seven Chaos Emeralds and turn into Super Sonic because Tails keeps screwing me up. At times, it's hard to imagine that I once did it years ago as a kid. But thankfully, we have cheat codes for the lazy and there's no rule that says I have to play by the rules every single time I play a game I've beaten so many times before.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (GEN)
Are you seeing a pattern yet? When Sonic 3 came out I was beyond stoked. I read every feature on the game I could find in numerous magazines. The knew character Knuckles, the Floating Island, the small snowboarding section at the start of Ice Cap Zone, I drooled over every bit of information that surfaced on this game. For a long time it was my favorite Sonic game. I even bought a used copy at Blockbuster with my own allowance. It took some time before I got the hang of the special stages. Since Tails always stays behind you no matter what, he can't trip you up. Every time I failed on the special stages it was my own fault. Imagine my surprise when I found out years later that Sonic 3 was actually only half a Sonic game. Even on it's own, it's still very good.
Sonic & Knuckles (GEN)

The later half of Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles was originally released nine months after the first game. The reason was due to Sonic team missing their deadline. But if they hadn't missed it, we wouldn't have seen the awesome lock-on technology that allowed us to play Sonic 2 as Knuckles and play through the Zones in Sonic 3 as Knuckles. Like Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles is still a competent Sonic game in it's own right, but to play Sonic 3 as originally intended, it's best to use the lock-on feature with Sonic 3, resulting in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, my all-time favorite Sonic game, and largest of any Genesis Sonic title. The final battle with Robotnik as Sonic is still, in my humble opinion, one of the best final battles ever. I also find it pretty groovy that there are super forms for not just Sonic and Knuckles, but Tails as well, but you really had to work to get his. Getting a total of 14 emeralds is a lot of work, but since Super Tails is more broken than the Hyper forms of Sonic and Knuckles, Sonic Team probably figured it was well worth the payoff. Unfortunately, I've never experienced the brokenness of Super Tails myself. (Sigh) Someday.
The Revenge of Shinobi (GEN)
What, a Virtual Console download that isn't Sonic? Well, I wasn't quite ready to grab Sonic Spinball and I've always hated Sonic 3D Blast. The Revenge of Shinobi was one of the Genesis earliest games and was the very first Shinobi title I ever played. Would you believe I didn't play this until the summer of 2001 when I found a copy at Funcoland (before they all became GameStop)? Even though it's an early Genesis title, it rocks sweet 16-bit visuals and a highly memorable soundtrack, thanks to the very talented Yuzo Koshiro. The Shinobi (Round 1), Terrible Beat (the regular boss theme), and China Town (Round 6) all have a spot on my MP3 player. I once watched my friend Justin Sivak play through the entire game in a short amount of time. My Genesis copy only has Spider-Man and not Batman as a boss, but really, what's more important, the gameplay or some comic book heroes as foes to fight? It doesn't bother me all that much if Spidey has been recolored because Sega doesn't have the license to use him for the VC game. All I care about is throwing kunai knives as Joe Musashi.
Games Bought: 5
Time Spent on Wii Shop Channel: 44 minutes
Total Virtual Console Games Owned: 67
1 comment:
i was actually going to get a sonic game on xbl as it was on sale because of the 20th anniversary...used to love sonic & tails back in the day on my gamegear
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