If I wasn't a frequent member of message boards, I'd probably never find all these cool things to talk about. I'm digressing again. And Digressing sucks. Unless it's good digressing. Where was I? Oh yeah. Game music.
First up, MegaCollection Vol 1. This is a collection of outstanding Medleys from the Mega Man games. There's six tracks total and while the Medleys don't go into the next song continuously, that does not keep this album from being a winner. Even more props for doing Medleys with songs from some of the under appreciated themes like Pharaoh Man, which has always been one of my favorite Mega Man tracks. I'm already hyped for Vol. 2 if there is indeed a Vol. 2
Download MegaCollection Vol. 1
I finally found a game rip to one of my favorite games for the Nintendo 64, Bettle Adventure Racing! Among other things, the N64 was heavily criticized for it's audio processor. Sega and Sony were living it up with CD systems and Nintendo was still stuck in the past using carts. When people knew what they were doing, the N64 produced some really sweet sounds. BAR's music was handled by Phil Western, Scott Blackwood, and Brenden Tennant. I think wiki sums up BAR's soundtrack pretty well. "The music in
BAR is a groovy,
breakbeat soundtrack with loud drums, organs, and guitars." It's realy flipping sweet.
Download Beetle Adventure Racing! soundtrack
You're probably look at the album art to the right and thinking "Downtwon What?" That's the Japanese name for River City Ransom, a cult favorite from the NES era. School kids just gotta kidnap girlfriends and rivals gotta team up to give said school kids a well-deserved butt-kicking. Only River City Ransom and a few Super Dodge Ball games made it to the states, but in Japan, the franchise is pretty famous. There have been titles on nearly every Nintendo platform overseases, a few of them have even been translated by fans.
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatri collects the music from each system that River City Ransom was on. NES, PC Engine X68000, and GBA That's over 70 tracks!
Downtow Nekketsu Monogatari: Complete CollectionI was originally post more beats, but then that would result in an insanely huge blog post. More late, kids.