This picture comes from
BunnyHeadFullForce, a huge Mega Man fan and a pretty sweet artist. In this piece she recaptures a scene from
Mega Man 3's ending. Mega Man 3 is my personal favorite Mega Man game and ending blew my mind as a child. It still puts a smile on my face when the game reveals that Proto Man is Mega Man's brother, and Mega Man looks to the sky and sees an image of Proto Man looking down on him, smiling.
Proto Man is robot #000. Mega Man is robot #001. By numbers, Proto Man is the older bother and Mega Man is the younger sibling. Like a good older brother, Proto Man looks out for Mega Man in Mega Man 3, testing his skill throughout the game and returning him to Dr. Light's lab so he can be repaired after the ceiling caves in.
I really liked this drawing and I hope BunnyHead pens some more Mega Man work.
Heh. That's where the extended Proto Man whistle theme plays if I recall.
Proto Man's whistle is awesome. Some people still pause the game so they can hear the first extended version of it.
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