I've said it before and I'll say it again; there are a lot of talented people out. There are also a lot of Mega Man fans out there. Take the makers of RosenKreuz Stilette (Rose-Crossed Stilette). Getting more detailed info on the game has been tough, but from what I've seen, this game plays a lot like the classic Mega Man series.
The there are two protagonists to play as and both are girls. In fact, all the "robot masters" in this game are girls. The game looks fantastic but you shouldn't let the cutesy visuals throw you off. I watched some of the videos of the game on YouTube and it would seem the [erak:es] the game's developer, wanted to make the game even more difficult than the Mega Man games that it was inspired from.

The above level obviously pays homage to Quick Man's stage from Mega Man 2, but some sadist thought it would be a good idea to throw spikes in there just to make the player sweat even more. Yes, like Mega Man, spikes kill you in one hit.

Look familiar? They spice things up a bit by making you fight this guy on the ceiling as well as the floor.

I don't think I even need say anything about this screen. You get the idea. The makers love them some Mega Man games. I've read comments from folks that have played the game. Despite the difficulty it seems to be a lot of fun.
Below are some of those YouTube videos I mentioned earlier. Check 'em out.
Like Mega Man, this game also has some excellent music. You can get the tracks
Definitely some Mega Man 1 homages in there, with the Yellow Devil and a vehicle reminiscent of Dr. Wily's.
If it's been emulated, I may have to download it and give it a go.
For the time being, the hardest thing I've done in a video game, is beating Space Harrier on one token (via the arcade in Shenmue [dreamcast game] ).
If there's something that beats that, I may be forgetting...
I was able to find the game and DL it. Gonna take some time to get used to the controls but it isn't fun.
Space Harrier is classic! I got to the last level of that game and died a few years back. My fav old-school arcade Sega game may very well be OutRun.
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