Today, I can kill the Mecha Dragon with no problems. Its weak against Quick Boomerangs, but I prefer to just whale on the thing with Mega Man's default arm cannon. Still one of the coolest bosses in Mega Man games, and I wouldn't mind seeing him make a comeback in Mega Man 9 or in some other Mega Man title. I mean, how many variations of the Yellow Devil/Rock Monster has there been?

Speaking of the Yellow Devil, I first came across this monstrosity in Mega Man 3, but I didn't know he was the first Wily boss in the original Mega Man. In MM3 he'd given me a hard time for a while but I'd eventually owned him. After fighting him in MM3, I thought he was a pretty cool boss. Playing the original MM later changed my view on him considerably.
I enter the chamber of the first Wily boss, but nobody's home. After a few seconds, orange pieces about the size of Mega Man's head start flying into the room from the left side of the screen. I knew what this meant, so I'm thinking "Cool, the Rock Monster!" Well the pieces of him just seem to be coming in so flipping fast and without the slide, said pieces are very hard for me to dodge. Some gamers say "He's not that hard." I think these people forget that not everyone is as adept as they are when it comes to certain bosses, levels and areas in gaming. If anything kept people from beating the original MM, it was the Yellow Devil. He's so hard, he should have been the final boss. Easy mode on Mega Man Anniversary Collection makes him far less difficult and the famous pause glitch in the original NES game makes this seemingly unstoppable goliath fall like a ton of bricks. Well, I never could get the glitch to work and I just don't have the quickness to dodge those blocks. For my money, he's still one of the toughest bosses in all of gaming and thanks to the original MM, my memories of him are bitter.
The battle with the Yellow Devil in Mega Man 1 is definitely harder in MM Anniversary, since they took out the pressing Select glitch. And the slide definitely came in handy in Pt. 3.
With proper timing, you could leap over one chunk and slider under the next.
I'm pretty fond of the song from the 1st stage in Dr. Wily's castle in Mega Man 2. I've got several versions of it and there's even someone from Japan who added random lyrics, even if he sounds like an emo kid in the shower.
I have this song with and without lyrics. (Someone sent me the one with lyrics to mess with me. :P )
Mega Man has some of the best music in games. Period.
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