A few words on Mega Man 8's intro. It has always been one of my all-time favorite gaming intros since the first day I saw it way back in 1997. What I didn't know at the time was that our American version had the song Electrical Communications removed and in its place was a nameless song that made sweet use of the electric guitar. I'm probably in the minority, but I don't think I missed out on anything special with Electrical Communications being absent in the American release of Mega Man 8. I don't think its a bad song by any means. It just doesn't impress me.
Now the 8-bit version of Electrical Communications, I can't get enough of that. I've played the YouTube video of the 8-bit intro over and over just so I could listen to it. I'd like to thank my good friend Tommy for hooking me up with an mp3 version of this gem. If you're reading this Tommy, thanks man. You rock!
So someone give us 8-bit Mega Man 8 and while you're at it, give us 8-bit Mega Man & Bass as well. The only Mega Man games I don't want to see go 8-bit are the X games. Although I suppose we already saw that with short-lived Mega Man Xtreme series. They weren't terrible games, but they weren't great either. The X games fit more in the 16-bit, 32-bit and beyond world of gaming.
Now the 8-bit version of Electrical Communications, I can't get enough of that. I've played the YouTube video of the 8-bit intro over and over just so I could listen to it. I'd like to thank my good friend Tommy for hooking me up with an mp3 version of this gem. If you're reading this Tommy, thanks man. You rock!
So someone give us 8-bit Mega Man 8 and while you're at it, give us 8-bit Mega Man & Bass as well. The only Mega Man games I don't want to see go 8-bit are the X games. Although I suppose we already saw that with short-lived Mega Man Xtreme series. They weren't terrible games, but they weren't great either. The X games fit more in the 16-bit, 32-bit and beyond world of gaming.
Hehehe. I've got to ask my friend that helped me with this how he did it.
I've not played Mega Man & Bass as of yet, and I only have the first Mega Man Zero and Battle Network. I've lots of catching up to do. I do own the Mega Man X collection, which I've got to go through completely still.
The first Mega Man Battle Network is a lot of fun, especially if you love tinkering. Mega Man Zero is hard but not impossible. Just get some good cyber elves and some sub-tanks and you're good to go.
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