In March of 2004, Ninja Gaiden was released for the Xbox. The game was a new beginning of sorts for the series. If you thought the NES games were hard, you probably wouldn't stand a chance in the 3D ninja world. The Penny Arcade comic up top shows that Ninja Gaiden was so hard that even your friends that weren't playing the game would die. OK so stuff like that didn't really happen, but the author of the comic got the point across.
In case you'd forgotten how hard Ninja Giaden was,
Awesome Gaiden is a hilarious reminder. Short, sweet and to the point.
Something funny I noticed with this game, is that I had a harder time with the XBox one than the original NES one (and the last Act + 3 bosses is HELL!), whereas my youngest brother made the XBox game look like cake, but he had trouble with the original ones and misc. other NES games.
My youngest brother says he's beaten some of the NES games (Ninja Gaiden 2, Mega Man 2, 3, and so forth), so maybe he's already caught up to me. :o
I could never get past the first few levels in the first two NES Ninja Gaiden titles. Hawks and other flying enemies would always knock me into pits that I was jumping over. I'd say most gamers hate for flying enemies started on the NES.
Yeah, I think it was programmed like that and the trick is to memorize the locations of all enemies. That way you jump gaps and do a slash if it'll let you make it, or you have to hope to have the Fire Wheel handy.
2 is more forgiving than 1 when it comes to grabbing to a wall and climbing.
1st Ninja Gaiden is very hard in the last Act. There are 3 very hard levels, and 3 end bosses. If you die on the boss, you have to do all the levels again if I recall. The only good news is that beating a boss has him beaten for good, so when you get to the boss room once more, the next boss in line is there instead.
I haven't bought 3 for the NES yet, so that remains unbeaten by me so far.
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